Friday, January 25, 2013

The Action Plan: Day 5 and 6

Happy Friday beautiful people (a throw back to my Song peeps)!

So I missed blogging yesterday but I did not fall off the cleanse! I'm proud to say, I have made it all the way to day 6 of this action plan cleanse! I'm really glad I decided to do it. The best analogy I can come up with is that it’s like spring cleaning your house. When you first start cleaning, everything is kicked up while dusting and sweeping, you're moving things around, trying to organize your messes, getting rid of clutter; it seems to almost get dirtier and messier in the process. But then you hit a turning point where you see progress! Your house looks cleaner, you've cleared out the clutter, things are organized and in their place, and it just feels good to sit in your clean house. That's how I would describe the last 6 days on this cleanse.

To be complete, I’ll back track on what my meal plan was the last couple days.

Day 4:
  • Cucumber pear juice
  • Cashew trail mix
  • Leftover creamy broccoli soup
  • Leftover French lentil salad
  • Orange
  • Mango pops
    • These obviously fall under the snack category. The recipe says to use slightly thawed frozen mango. I would suggest going with completely thawed because I almost broke my blender trying to blend everything. But this is a great snack! I didn't make pops though. I just ended up filling up a plastic container and used an ice cream scooper to make a smaller serving size.
Day 5

I've read ahead to see what week 2 entails in Whole Livings Action Plan and I may have to deviate from some of their suggestions. I will definitely be adding fish back into the mix. I need to up my protein in take. I was doing a workout yesterday and had to dig pretty deep for energy during some strength training exercises. But Week 2 also introduces some foods that are not really paleo approved. So I might have to think through my own meal plan for the week... more to come!

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